JUNE LONG CHALLENGE Problem code: Contain
--> We will create concentric hulls as many as possible.
This can be done using a tracking array to keep track of points which are still unused and passing.
it again in convex hull function We will do this until our track array becomes empty.
Algorithm used :-
Finding convex hull using graham scan in O(nlogn) ( For AC )
Finding convex hull using jarvis march in O(n^2) ( For 35 points )
--> Then we will memoize all these convex hulls.
Now we cant create hulls for each query as it will result in O(q*n^2) complexity (15 points).
So what we will do is create a 2d vector of vectors (in simple words sort of adjacency list)
Then we will process each query. We will check that our point x,y lies in how many convex polygons(layers) in O(q* no of layers).
To check weather a point belongs to a polygon on not i used a pointIsInPoly function which returns 1 if point lies on or inside the polygon thereafter i am checking for the existance of that point on boundary if it is on boundary i wont cosider it as candle must lie stricly inside a polygon.
--Point detection algorithm used :-
#define fio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(fals
#define ll long long int
#define ull unsigned long long int
#define lld long double
#define cinlld(x) lld x;cin>>x;
#define cinll(x) ll x;cin>>x;
#define cini(x) int x;cin>>x;
#define cins(x) string x;cin>>x;
#define vect(x) vector<ll> x;
#define vect1(x) vector<ll> x;x.push_back(0);
#define pb(x) push_back(x)
#define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y)
#define MAX 1e18
#define MIN -1e18
#define MOD 1000000007
#define vectdef(x,size,val) vector<ll> x;for(ll i=0;i<size;i++){x.push_back(va l);}
#define vectdef1(x,size,val) vector<ll> x;for(ll i=0;i<=size;i++){x.push_back(v al);}
#define INF 10000
using namespace std;
////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// /////////
//Utility functions for convex Hull
////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// /////////
// https://www.codeproject.com/Ti ps/84226/Is-a-Point-inside-a- Polygon
// This funciton isnt accurate for points on boundary so we will need to check again if point lies
//on boundary of layer or not.
bool pointIsInPoly(pair<ll,ll> p, vector<pair<ll,ll>> poly){
bool isInside = false;
ll i = 0, j = (int)poly.size() - 1;
for (i, j; i < poly.size(); j = i++) {
if ( (poly[i].second>p.second)!=(po ly[j].second>p.second) && p.first<float((poly[j].first-p oly[i].first)*(float)(p.second -poly[i].second)/(float)(poly[ j].second-poly[i].second)+( float)poly[i].first)) {
isInside = !isInside;
return isInside;
//This funciton checks for the orientation of a point with respect to a line
// To find orientation of ordered triplet (p, q, r).
// The function returns following values
// 0 --> p, q and r are colinear
// 1 --> Clockwise
// 2 --> Counterclockwise
ll cworccw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
ll ans = ((b.second - a.second) * (c.first - b.first)) - ((b.first - a.first)*(c.second-b.second));
return 0; //collinear
return 1; //cw
return 2; //ccw
bool cmp(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b) {
return a.first < b.first || (a.first == b.first && a.second < b.second);
//Same function to check orientation Clockwise
bool cw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
return a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) < 0;
//Same function to check orientation Counterclockwise
bool ccw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
return a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) > 0;
//Function to check collinearity
//I was wondering why this collinear function is giving be WA i was stuck at 80 points due to this one
// bool collinear(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c) {
// long double distac = sqrtl((a.second-c.second)*(a.s econd-c.second)+(a.first-c.fir st)*(a.first-c.first));
// long double distbc = sqrtl((b.second-c.second)*(b.s econd-c.second)+(b.first-c.fir st)*(b.first-c.first));
// long double distab = sqrtl((a.second-b.second)*(a.s econd-b.second)+(a.first-b.fir st)*(a.first-b.first));
// if(distab == (distbc+distac)){
// return true;
// } else return false;
// }
//This one is working fine
bool collinear(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c) {
if(a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) == 0){
return true;
} else return false;
////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// /////////
////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// /////////
//============================ ============================== ============================== =============
//Taking reference from
//https://cp-algorithms.com/ge ometry/grahams-scan-convex-hul l.html
pair< vector< pair<ll,ll> >,vector< pair<ll,ll> > > convexHull(vector< pair<ll,ll> > a) {
vector<pair<ll,ll>> lo;
vector<pair<ll,ll>> hull;
for(ll i=0;i<a.size();i++){
if (a.size() == 1){
return mp(lo,hull);
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), &cmp);
pair<ll,ll> p1 = a[0], p2 = a.back();
vector<pair<ll,ll>> up, down;
for (int i = 1; i < (int)a.size(); i++) {
if (i == a.size() - 1 || cw(p1, a[i], p2)) {
while (up.size() >= 2 && !cw(up[up.size()-2], up[up.size()-1], a[i]))
if (i == a.size() - 1 || ccw(p1, a[i], p2)) {
while(down.size() >= 2 && !ccw(down[down.size()-2], down[down.size()-1], a[i]))
for (int i = 0; i < (int)up.size(); i++){
lo.erase(remove(lo.begin(), lo.end(), up[i]), lo.end());
for (int i = down.size() - 2; i > 0; i--){
lo.erase(remove(lo.begin(), lo.end(), down[i]), lo.end());
vector < pair<ll,ll> > tmp = lo;
for(int i=0;i<tmp.size();i++){
for(ll j = 0;j<hull.size();j++) {
ll x = cworccw(hull[j],hull[(j + 1) % hull.size()],tmp[i]);
lo.erase(remove(lo.begin(),lo. end(), tmp[i]),lo.end());
//cout<<tmp[i].first<<","<<tmp [i].second<<" "<<"Remove kr diya \n";
return mp(lo,hull);
//============================ ============================== ============================== ===================
int main(){
for(ll i=0;i<t;i++){
vector<pair<ll,ll>> pts;
vector<pair<ll,ll>> leftout; //To keep track of leftout points to be used to construct next concentric hull
for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){
vector< vector<pair<ll,ll>> > concentrichulls; //2D adj list to store hulls (memoization part)
ll noofhulls = 0;
while(leftout.size()>2){ //Creating concentrichulls
pair< vector<pair<ll,ll>>,vector<pai r<ll,ll>> > temphulllo = convexHull(leftout);
if(temphulllo.second.size()>0) {
concentrichulls.pb(temphulllo. second);
leftout = temphulllo.first;
//debug to print convex hulls
// for(ll i=0;i<noofhulls;i++){
// cout<<"{ ";
// for(ll j=0;j<concentrichulls[i].size( );j++){
// cout<<"("<<concentrichulls[i] [j].first<<","<<concentrichull s[i][j].second<<")"<<",";
// }
// cout<<"}\n";
// }
//Processing queries
ll countlayer = 0;
pair<ll,ll> xy = mp(x,y);
for(ll i = 0;i<noofhulls;i++){ //traversing each hull
if(pointIsInPoly(xy,concentric hulls[i])){ //checking weather points lie inside or not
bool ckcollinear = false; //side case to check if a point lies on boundary or not
for(ll j=0;j<concentrichulls[i].size( );j++){
if(collinear(concentrichulls[i ][j],concentrichulls[i][(j+1)% concentrichulls[i].size()],xy) ){
ckcollinear = true;
bool exiting = false; //if any of hull doesnt contain a candle its concentric ones will not conatin it too. So we can exit from this query
exiting = true;
goto ext;
return 0;
--> We will create concentric hulls as many as possible.
This can be done using a tracking array to keep track of points which are still unused and passing.
it again in convex hull function We will do this until our track array becomes empty.
Algorithm used :-
Finding convex hull using graham scan in O(nlogn) ( For AC )
Finding convex hull using jarvis march in O(n^2) ( For 35 points )
--> Then we will memoize all these convex hulls.
Now we cant create hulls for each query as it will result in O(q*n^2) complexity (15 points).
So what we will do is create a 2d vector of vectors (in simple words sort of adjacency list)
Then we will process each query. We will check that our point x,y lies in how many convex polygons(layers) in O(q* no of layers).
To check weather a point belongs to a polygon on not i used a pointIsInPoly function which returns 1 if point lies on or inside the polygon thereafter i am checking for the existance of that point on boundary if it is on boundary i wont cosider it as candle must lie stricly inside a polygon.
--Point detection algorithm used :-
#define fio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(fals
#define ll long long int
#define ull unsigned long long int
#define lld long double
#define cinlld(x) lld x;cin>>x;
#define cinll(x) ll x;cin>>x;
#define cini(x) int x;cin>>x;
#define cins(x) string x;cin>>x;
#define vect(x) vector<ll> x;
#define vect1(x) vector<ll> x;x.push_back(0);
#define pb(x) push_back(x)
#define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y)
#define MAX 1e18
#define MIN -1e18
#define MOD 1000000007
#define vectdef(x,size,val) vector<ll> x;for(ll i=0;i<size;i++){x.push_back(va
#define vectdef1(x,size,val) vector<ll> x;for(ll i=0;i<=size;i++){x.push_back(v
#define INF 10000
using namespace std;
//Utility functions for convex Hull
// https://www.codeproject.com/Ti
// This funciton isnt accurate for points on boundary so we will need to check again if point lies
//on boundary of layer or not.
bool pointIsInPoly(pair<ll,ll> p, vector<pair<ll,ll>> poly){
bool isInside = false;
ll i = 0, j = (int)poly.size() - 1;
for (i, j; i < poly.size(); j = i++) {
if ( (poly[i].second>p.second)!=(po
isInside = !isInside;
return isInside;
//This funciton checks for the orientation of a point with respect to a line
// To find orientation of ordered triplet (p, q, r).
// The function returns following values
// 0 --> p, q and r are colinear
// 1 --> Clockwise
// 2 --> Counterclockwise
ll cworccw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
ll ans = ((b.second - a.second) * (c.first - b.first)) - ((b.first - a.first)*(c.second-b.second));
return 0; //collinear
return 1; //cw
return 2; //ccw
bool cmp(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b) {
return a.first < b.first || (a.first == b.first && a.second < b.second);
//Same function to check orientation Clockwise
bool cw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
return a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) < 0;
//Same function to check orientation Counterclockwise
bool ccw(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c){
return a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) > 0;
//Function to check collinearity
//I was wondering why this collinear function is giving be WA i was stuck at 80 points due to this one
// bool collinear(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c) {
// long double distac = sqrtl((a.second-c.second)*(a.s
// long double distbc = sqrtl((b.second-c.second)*(b.s
// long double distab = sqrtl((a.second-b.second)*(a.s
// if(distab == (distbc+distac)){
// return true;
// } else return false;
// }
//This one is working fine
bool collinear(pair<ll,ll> a,pair<ll,ll> b,pair<ll,ll> c) {
if(a.first * (b.second - c.second) + b.first * (c.second - a.second) + c.first * (a.second - b.second) == 0){
return true;
} else return false;
//Taking reference from
pair< vector< pair<ll,ll> >,vector< pair<ll,ll> > > convexHull(vector< pair<ll,ll> > a) {
vector<pair<ll,ll>> lo;
vector<pair<ll,ll>> hull;
for(ll i=0;i<a.size();i++){
if (a.size() == 1){
return mp(lo,hull);
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), &cmp);
pair<ll,ll> p1 = a[0], p2 = a.back();
vector<pair<ll,ll>> up, down;
for (int i = 1; i < (int)a.size(); i++) {
if (i == a.size() - 1 || cw(p1, a[i], p2)) {
while (up.size() >= 2 && !cw(up[up.size()-2], up[up.size()-1], a[i]))
if (i == a.size() - 1 || ccw(p1, a[i], p2)) {
while(down.size() >= 2 && !ccw(down[down.size()-2], down[down.size()-1], a[i]))
for (int i = 0; i < (int)up.size(); i++){
lo.erase(remove(lo.begin(), lo.end(), up[i]), lo.end());
for (int i = down.size() - 2; i > 0; i--){
lo.erase(remove(lo.begin(), lo.end(), down[i]), lo.end());
vector < pair<ll,ll> > tmp = lo;
for(int i=0;i<tmp.size();i++){
for(ll j = 0;j<hull.size();j++) {
ll x = cworccw(hull[j],hull[(j + 1) % hull.size()],tmp[i]);
return mp(lo,hull);
int main(){
for(ll i=0;i<t;i++){
vector<pair<ll,ll>> pts;
vector<pair<ll,ll>> leftout; //To keep track of leftout points to be used to construct next concentric hull
for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){
vector< vector<pair<ll,ll>> > concentrichulls; //2D adj list to store hulls (memoization part)
ll noofhulls = 0;
while(leftout.size()>2){ //Creating concentrichulls
pair< vector<pair<ll,ll>>,vector<pai
leftout = temphulllo.first;
//debug to print convex hulls
// for(ll i=0;i<noofhulls;i++){
// cout<<"{ ";
// for(ll j=0;j<concentrichulls[i].size(
// cout<<"("<<concentrichulls[i]
// }
// cout<<"}\n";
// }
//Processing queries
ll countlayer = 0;
pair<ll,ll> xy = mp(x,y);
for(ll i = 0;i<noofhulls;i++){ //traversing each hull
bool ckcollinear = false; //side case to check if a point lies on boundary or not
for(ll j=0;j<concentrichulls[i].size(
ckcollinear = true;
bool exiting = false; //if any of hull doesnt contain a candle its concentric ones will not conatin it too. So we can exit from this query
exiting = true;
goto ext;
return 0;
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